Friday, 27 November 2009

5FDP.... Not a joke

Tonight i witnessed Five finger death punch really rocking the F**K out at the Manchester academy (with my lovely lady friend :p). I think I was respectable in standing at the back in a calm manner as i watched moody and troubled teenagers beat the crap out of each other no more than 20 feet away. And aside from poor support acts and cringe worthy rockers that looked like they should have been at a PINK concert, all went well :). I got to see one of my favourite bands, I got a really cool tee but more importantly i got to spend some quality time with someone who makes me happy. I win!
(P.s I stole this pic from Sarah but i took it so its fair lol)

Later :]


Unknown said...

Maaaaaatt! You're too sweet!
The dude in the gloves is my hero lol.
I win too :P

Arcane Curiosity said...

yea he kinda looked like a superhero in that leather jacket lol. yep you win too. i'm hardly as sweet as you x

Unknown said...

I'm not sweet, you are.
You make my days worthwhile :)