Thursday, 3 December 2009

Coulda Woulda Shoulda...

I’m wondering at the moment that if all the decisions we make in our lives could be reversed or flipped, would we take it. I mean leap into the unknown. People say that if you think about the decisions you’ve made in your past to much then you’re not happy with the way things turned out. I don’t really think of it that way. More of a curiosity really... I don’t regret the past I just ponder what my life would be like now. I can’t think of a more difficult decision to make than having the opportunity to take different paths of your past. Even if your life seems hard in the present. I already know that I would be too sceptical to change anything. Which is ridiculous because I think about it quite often. I’m not unhappy just over think things too much sometimes I guess. Well thats my mind poured onto a page for now.

Later :]


Unknown said...

I used to overthink 'what if' and it used to totally ruin things. I'd never change the past, no matter how shit it was at the time because I wouldn't be the person I am today and I might not know the people I know.
We might not be yeh, shut up! Lol.

Arcane Curiosity said...

thats true...That was actually one of the things I was thinking about (this is turning into another version of msn lol)