Saturday, 26 December 2009

The Girl Of Make Believe.. Very real

My beautiful red haired angel. (not actual pic...obviously, but I wanted a reference to her vibrant head doo lol)

There's a Girl.. Well she's not just a girl. She's my girl. The craziest thing is i've known her for ages. But its only recently that I realised just how much she actually means to me.

I think everything happens for a reason and all the bad stuff that has hapend to me did so that we could be toghether. It was worth it!

I remember the first time she told me she liked me. My heart sank and my joy was as obvious as a candle in the dark.

I used to lie in my bed alone and think about her being in my arms. (It seemed so unrealistic to me).

And now... She is lying in my arms at night. Sometimes I just lie next to her and touch her arm just to make sure its real. I've never been more comfortable than when she hugs me. When I look into her eyes I know she cares just as much as I do which helps me get up in the morning :).

Shes complicated and sarcastic but I would'nt have it any other way. I can be insecure and sometimes I may doubt what she sees in me but when she says those three words to me everything else just blows away.

I'd do anything to make her happy and I hope my stupidity and love for her will.

I'll never let anything come between us and you'll always be my girl.. i love u x

Later :]


Unknown said...

I have better hair than that one :P

You're too sweet, thank you babe.

Arcane Curiosity said...

i love how your especially sarcastic when i put you on the stop babe lol xx your welcome

Unknown said...

I can't help with the sarcasm. I like to work my way out of things using it :P