Friday, 1 January 2010

Time Hangs Around For No One

2009 is now no more than a memory. A strange cocktail of good and bad memories amalgamating. Many, Many negatives but a quite unprecedented positve bringing everything into a sort of balance.

The last day of December was one of the few highlights of the year. Simply because I was surrounded by people that mean a great deal to me. With the addition of someone very special to end the night with :).

I'm crossing my fingers for a exceptional year this year. As long as these occur I'm pretty faithful

  • My little gamer starting school
  • Spending as much time as possible with my beautiful girl.
  • Success in some form
  • Lots of kick ass films and games
  • (Possibly the greatest tattoo sleeve ever devised :p)

If I'm half as happy this entire year as I was from around 1:00am onwards on the 1st of January 2010 then all will be well.

And as of all the bad shit that happened last year. There's this line, I cant remember where I heard it but I'll never forget it. It goes something like this.....

It does'nt matter what happened yesterday or the day before. All that matters is what will happen today and the next.

Later :]


Unknown said...

Happy New Year Matt :)

2010 will rock, I'll make sure of it.