Saturday, 23 January 2010

"What am I thinking?" should'nt have asked


I can only apologize for the shocking imagery.

But come on. Its pretty cool. Well I think it is. And an argument could be created to claim that I think about things of such a ludicrous nature far to much... they would be correct in their argument.

But try and argue that the following three factors are not worth spending some precious oxygon on;

  • If Dinosaurs were infact not extinct, would'nt you want them to be sent to mars to investigate if their is infact other life. And to completley obliterate anything it came across so to ensure that it couldnt oppose the human race?......(think about it)

  • In the marvel civil war era, look I know you like Iron Man more than captain America but are you really happy that Tony Stark kills Steve Rogers? The Man's a patriot for gods sake!...(you should really think about that one!)

  • And finally. Even if you doubt religion and all it stands for try to deny this.... If Jesus Christ did exist. It would'nt have hurt for him to be a Cyborg Pirate Ninja! I mean he aint gettin chucked on a cross with those kind of skills right? (I know you've thought about it... :p)

Well that was refreshing...

Later :]


Unknown said...

I worry about you sometimes Matt!
You're a nutter!

But as for Jesus, that's just ludicrous, you know he didn't exist. :P