Look I know that no one reads you but that is no excuse for the abandonment on my part. I'm truly sorry...
Anyway I haven't written anything recently and its kind of bugging me. I have locked away my writing mind to focus on drawing, which I do aaalot!
Speaking of which I should upload some images onto here for the vast populations veiwing pleasure.. (note to self)
But anyway I'm really going to try and balance the writing and the sketching into a balanced diet. Shouldn't be to hard with a little help from the old writing coach :p x.
I will definitely DEFINITELY not leave it so long to write another blog/random rambling.
Later :]
Sunday, 20 June 2010
I've missed it..........
Posted by Arcane Curiosity at Sunday, June 20, 2010 2 comments
Saturday, 23 January 2010
"What am I thinking?".....you should'nt have asked
- If Dinosaurs were infact not extinct, would'nt you want them to be sent to mars to investigate if their is infact other life. And to completley obliterate anything it came across so to ensure that it couldnt oppose the human race?......(think about it)
- In the marvel civil war era, look I know you like Iron Man more than captain America but are you really happy that Tony Stark kills Steve Rogers? The Man's a patriot for gods sake!...(you should really think about that one!)
- And finally. Even if you doubt religion and all it stands for try to deny this.... If Jesus Christ did exist. It would'nt have hurt for him to be a Cyborg Pirate Ninja! I mean he aint gettin chucked on a cross with those kind of skills right? (I know you've thought about it... :p)
Well that was refreshing...
Later :]
Posted by Arcane Curiosity at Saturday, January 23, 2010 1 comments
Sunday, 17 January 2010
Dreamin 'bout God Knows What
So yeah. Recently i've been having pretty stange dreams. Well dream really. It's kind of like a world and I'm just watching. I'm not involved in any way. Its Like a Story that I've thought up in a dream which is being illustrated to me.
Posted by Arcane Curiosity at Sunday, January 17, 2010 1 comments
Friday, 1 January 2010
Time Hangs Around For No One
2009 is now no more than a memory. A strange cocktail of good and bad memories amalgamating. Many, Many negatives but a quite unprecedented positve bringing everything into a sort of balance.
The last day of December was one of the few highlights of the year. Simply because I was surrounded by people that mean a great deal to me. With the addition of someone very special to end the night with :).
I'm crossing my fingers for a exceptional year this year. As long as these occur I'm pretty faithful
- My little gamer starting school
- Spending as much time as possible with my beautiful girl.
- Success in some form
- Lots of kick ass films and games
- (Possibly the greatest tattoo sleeve ever devised :p)
If I'm half as happy this entire year as I was from around 1:00am onwards on the 1st of January 2010 then all will be well.
And as of all the bad shit that happened last year. There's this line, I cant remember where I heard it but I'll never forget it. It goes something like this.....
It does'nt matter what happened yesterday or the day before. All that matters is what will happen today and the next.
Later :]
Posted by Arcane Curiosity at Friday, January 01, 2010 1 comments